Count to Zen Reiki with Chakras

Count to Zen: Body Mind balance with Reiki Seichim This Body Mind Balance treatment, is particularly effective for those that are energetically sensitive, or are strongly affected by "vibes" around them. Relax onto the heated table, as somatic techniques stimulate the hemispheric re-calibration of the brain. This holistic treatment begins with breath work. Safe, gentle touches to the body, help guide your focus through out the session. As you breathe and let go, the aura (electromagnetic field of the body) is balanced with Reiki Sechim (an energetic healing modality that flows through the attuned practitioner). Think of Reiki as the feeling and the energy of Universal love and Well being. This treatment also uses various techniques drawn from Cranio-sacral, and Polarity therapies, guided visualization and carefully selected chakra stones.